My hubby teaches high school science which comes with a lot of benefits. The first benefit is regularly asking him questions about the “sciency” stuff that completely confuses me.
It also makes watching The Big Bang Theory really funny. He actually gets most of the jokes! He may have to pause it and explain to me why it’s funny, but nonetheless he gets it.
The best part is doing really fun science experiments with the kids!
Like the time my hubby put dry ice in a bucket of water with soap to make smokey bubbles. The kids absolutely LOVED it and were entertained for a looooooong time.
Then one day my hubby did another science experiment with our kids and they had a blast! This activity keeps toddlers, teenagers and everything in between entertained! Let me introduce you to Oobleck.
Easy Homemade Oobleck
You may be asking ‘what is oobleck?’
The technical term for oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid and it’s tons of fun! It’s like a solid and a liquid all at the same time! It makes an awesome science experiment because kids can touch and play with it as it changes from an almost solid to a liquid right before their eyes!
I’ll share the super easy oobleck recipe at the end of this post, but first you have to see how much fun it is!
(sorry about the loud cicadas in the background!)
We chose to do this activity outside on our front porch. It was a ton of fun (as the mess will tell you) but in hindsight it would have been better if we’d done it on the shaded portion of the driveway for easy clean up.
Oobleck only takes a minute to prepare and you’re ready for fun!
Roll it up in a ball, break it in half and watch it melt!
The kids had an absolute blast!
This is a very casual recipe. You can mix in a little water until the consistency is sort of solid while still able to “melt.” The more water you use, the faster the oobleck will “melt”.
- 1 container cornstarch
- about 1/4 cup to 3/4 cup water
- food coloring
- Pour the cornstarch into a large clear plastic container so everyone can see the experiment happening.
- Slowly pour the water in a little at a time while stirring and see how the consistency of the mixture changes! You'll want the oobleck to be sort of solid but as it stirs it will "melt" right in front of your eyes!
- Add a couple drops of food coloring to make it even more fun!
- This is a very casual recipe. You can mix the water in until the consistency is sort of solid while still able to "melt." The more water you use, the faster the oobleck will "melt".
The best kind of learning is fun hands-on learning!
This post shared at: Family Fun Friday, SITS Girls DIY & Recipe Link Up, Think and Make Thursdays and Project Inspire{d}.
This looks like so much fun! My little Miss A would love doing this! She is at the perfect age for doing this activity. I love your photos! It’s fun to see how much fun your kiddos are having and how interested they are 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
It really is a lot of fun! I’ve found that the adults have as much fun as the kids 🙂