There once was a girl who had a messy and unorganized kitchen. Every time she opened the cabinet to get a pan, the whole pot and pan collection would come crashing on to the floor making a thunderous noise. Those annoying plastic grocery bags were stashed everywhere creating chaos. When she needed some garlic powder, she could never find it (although she had it all along)
Sound familiar?
If your kitchen could use a little more peace and organization but you don’t have much time, keep reading. I’ve got the perfect solution for you!
This year I decided to invest just a little bit of money into organizing my kitchen. It is AMAZING how much of a difference these low-cost items made! The most used items in my kitchen are easily accessible, which is turning in to a big time saver. My kitchen is now a much more peaceful and organized place.
I should have done this YEARS ago!
Supplies To Help Organize Your Kitchen In Less Than An Hour
Most of these supplies are less than $15 (and would make great wedding gifts, too!) This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. See my full disclosure here.
- pan organizer
- organizer rack
- grocery bag dispenser
- lazy susans/turntables
- pull down spice rack
- houseware organizer
- shower curtain rod
I’ll give you a tour of my own kitchen & show you the tips and tricks that really work so you can do the same in your own!
Here is what my pot and pan cabinet looks like now. An organizer rack like this one is perfect to store all your pot and pan lids neatly, while keeping them accessible.
I absolutely LOVE this pan organizer! I really don’t know how I made it so long without one. All the pans are easily accessible with no worries of crashes out of the cabinet! The rack also keeps the pans separated to protect them from scratches and scuffs.
Store the pans in order of size with the biggest ones at the bottom going up to the small ones at the top. Pots are easily stored inside one another, also from biggest to smallest.
Use a shower curtain rod to organize and gain more storage space underneath your kitchen sink. Install one at the top of the cabinet like the picture above and you’ll gain more cabinet room instantly! Cleaning products, sponges and other kitchen items can be stored at the bottom with your new-found space.
Is your house overflowing with those plastic grocery bags? Mine was too! This grocery bag dispenser took care of that problem. Install the bag dispenser in an area that is easily accessible (like in a pantry) and those bags will be ready when you need them but out of sight when you don’t.
Looking for an item I know I have but cannot find drives me crazy! For less than $5 each, I bought two of these lazy susans/turntables to organize the most commonly used spices. Each turntable makes every spice easy to locate. Within seconds you’ll be able to find what you need so you won’t be wasting time in the kitchen.
Turntables like these can also be used inside your refrigerator and they’ll serve the same purpose.
I would have loved to get this pull down spice rack but it was a little too wide to fit in my slim spice cabinet. This may be a good solution for you, though!
Cookie sheets, muffin tins and cutting boards take up a lot of space. This houseware organizer would be perfect to tame that mess!
I hope this has given you some inspiration to make your own kitchen a place you love to be in. If you implement any of these tips, keep in touch and let me know how it goes!
Want more kitchen organizing ideas? Check out this 10 Minute Family Command Center!
Which idea would you like to try in your kitchen?
This helpful post was shared at: The Creative Corner.
Oh my gosh. I SO need that pan and lid organizer! I am always at war with my pots and pans and I actually store them under the stove!!!
Oh Carrie let me tell you–that pan organizer has been a LIFE SAVER! I can now get out the pots and pans quietly without a bracing for a crash. After I got it I kicked myself for not getting it sooner.
I’m staying on top of pots and pans and even the pantry, but the plastic storage containers! Aaahhhhh! Always a square lid for a round bowl! I think aliens invade that cabinet!
Goodness don’t even get me started on those annoying plastic containers! They always get out of hand so easily! I organized my collection and purged a bunch about 6 months ago but I think it’s time to do it again! Glad to see I’m not the only one with this problemm
We use Rubbermaid/Sterilte tubs in the kitchen cabinets, medium sized to be manageable. They are see thru and easy to pull down ALL you spices at once, ALL your plastic ware, ALL your chips, and under the sink area, all your cleaning supplies, brushes, sponges etc. You get the picture.
I really like that idea Alice because the tubs keep everything accessible and organized! Plus if all our chips were in a closed box it might keep us from eating them all in one day 😉