I’ve got some BIG news!
Nope. I’m not pregnant. Sorry if you were hoping for some baby news but I’m pretty sure the hubby and I are done having kids.
I’m a planner. Making a plan and knowing a little bit about what’s coming next keeps me in my comfort zone.
It’s funny how God sometimes takes my “plans” and throws them out the window. Not because He’s mean but because He’s got something better than what I planned.
{or maybe He’s just trying to get me out of my comfort zone}
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Career Plans
Before I had children, I worked in the medical billing field for seven years. I worked my way up to a job I loved doing auditing for a multi-physician practice.
I started to make career plans to make finding a job easier after I had children. I got certified in medical coding through the AAPC, hoping that adding this to my Health Care Management degree would make me a pretty marketable employee. Jobs in the medical billing field offered a little more flexibility than traditional jobs.
In 2009 I gave birth to my firstborn, a daughter. I “planned” on going back to work right after maternity leave.
God had a different plan.
He asked me to be a stay at home mom! It was a little scary but I decided to do what He asked.
I quit a job I loved and I’ve been at home with my kids for six years. I didn’t think we could afford for me to be a stay-at-home mom but amazingly God provided everything we needed!
The Next Chapter
About a year ago, my pastor’s wife spoke to our motherhood group at church. That meeting was pretty life changing for me. She pointed out the fact that our little ones wouldn’t be little forever. We won’t be in this stage for long. I know that seems pretty obvious, but when you’re in the midst of chaos, diapers and babies, you don’t really see it. When the kids grow up and start going to school, another chapter in our lives will start.
At that point, some mothers go back to work. Some mothers continue to stay home. Others do volunteer work. This next chapter is a time of great opportunity that most of us young mothers hadn’t thought about yet.
She encouraged us to think and pray about what God wants us to do when that next phase in life happens.
So I did. I prayed. And planned.
Casting Vision
I loved the idea of working part-time once both kids were in school. My hubby loved the idea too. I can be home and available for my family but also be able to do something I enjoy while contributing to our financial needs. For me, working part time would truly be the best of both worlds.
I just wasn’t sure if something like that would happen.
Over the years I’ve had some job opportunities but I turned those offers down. Some of the jobs were too many hours. Others were too far from home. Some I had to turn down simply because at that time my job was to stay at home with my kids. All the while I kept praying someday I could get a job that was just right.
My Plan
My plan was to look for a part-time job when my son starts Kindergarten, a two full years from now. I hoped to either be blogging part-time or find a medical coding job that I could do two or three days a week.
Meanwhile, I kept up my medical coding certification just in case. I went to monthly coding meetings to stay ahead of industry changes while networking with other colleagues.
Getting a job now was the furthest thing from my mind.
Then I got an email
Last month, I got an email from one of my medical coding friends. She asked me if I was interested in working part-time.
My first gut reaction was “No! I’m not ready yet!” We’re still two years away from when both my kids will be in school!
But here’s the thing…
This friend of mine has always been very sweet, easy going and knowledgeable.
I always thought she’d make the perfect boss.
She said I could work whenever I wanted to.
The office she works at is right down the street from my house.
That office is also right next to my kids school.
My awesome mom and mother-in-law graciously offered to watch my son while I work.
This was the perfect job that was close to home, flexible, part-time, doing something I enjoy. This is exactly what I was praying for!
How could I say no to that?
After praying more, both my husband and I felt this was something God was doing. He was giving me the awesome job I’d been hoping for! It wasn’t exactly the timing I wanted but clearly God’s plan is better than mine.
Now I’m working two days a week with some wonderful people doing medical billing for an anesthesia practice. I LOVE it! Medical coding helps me explore the medical world and learn something fascinating every day.
I also get to spend three days a week at home with my kids. For me, it truly is the best of both worlds and I’m grateful God blessed me with this life!
Lesson Learned
I can plan all I want but those futile plans are always subject to a God who knows what’s best.
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What does this mean for Carrie This Home?
Hopefully you won’t notice much of a change. Writing for Carrie This Home is a hobby I love that keeps my creativity alive. I still plan on sharing awesome recipes, DIY projects and good ideas.
But then again, my plans are always subject to change.
Now that you’ve been at your job for a wee bit… I hope you’re still enjoying it thoroughly AND finding the balance of meshing your two lives together. I’m so happy for you, Carrie. God is Good!
It’s been almost two months now and I still really enjoy it! There are a lot of big changes going on in the next 6 months in the medical coding business so we’re gearing up for a crazy ride! I’m always working on how to have a good balance between God, family, work and hobbies but thankfully God is giving me wisdom along the way. Thanks so much for your encouragement Diane!
“Faith Moves Mountains”. God bless and enjoy your new job.
God is amazing! Thank you Fabiola!
So happy for you and your family. God’s timing is the best!
I appreciate your excitement Deborah! It may not always feel like it but God’s timing truly is the best 🙂
Good for you! Basing your decision on God’s plan will ALWAYS bring peace to your heart AND to your family. You’re a wonderful example to me!
Thanks so much for encouraging me Linda!
Hi Carrie – Yup. HIS plans are always better than ours. Better planning. Better timing. Better outcomes. God’s blessings to you and your beautiful family as you embark on your new adventure in life! Hugs, Holly
Yes–His plan is always the best! Thank you Holly!
That’s so great! I’m really happy for you. Things always seem to work out how they should. 🙂
You’re so sweet Danielle! Thanks so much!
Congratulations Carrie … sounds ideal. So good to trust in God. Beautiful inspirational post.
Thanks for sharing.
Audrey Z.
I’m so glad to hear this was encouraging to you! Thanks Audrey!
I am so excited about this new opportunity for you! I love how God’s plan is always better than our plan. Thanks so much for sharing this and encouraging us today. You rock!
I felt like this was a story God wanted me to share here. The best part about sharing this story is seeing how it’s encouraging others! God really does know what He’s doing 😉