I wanted to share something that God has been putting on my heart a LOT lately.
Like most parents, I struggle with how to accomplish all the things on my to-do list.
To be honest, most of them don’t get done.
I feel like I’m treading water most days.
I spend a lot of my time doing things that have to be done. I have to do the laundry. I have to pay the bills. I have to water the flowers. I have to clean the house.
I also waste a lot of time. I waste time on Facebook. I waste time on this blog. I waste time on Pinterest.
I got to a place where I really had to ask for help and guidance from God as to how I should be spending my time each day. I want to make sure I can spend time with the kids, get all the work done, and enjoy a little free time.
As if accomplishing all three of those in one day is possible.
It’s not. But I’m learning that’s okay.
When deciding how I need to spend my time for the day, I kept hearing this:
Time spent with your kids is NEVER time wasted.
At the end of my life I’m never going to say “I spent too much time with my kids.”
I don’t want to waste my time on unimportant things.
Jesus said “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them…” Luke 18:16. Obviously Jesus thought spending time with children was important enough to rebuke the disciples for pushing them away.
How many times a day do I push my kids away to do the laundry, comment on one more blog, get one more thing done?
Gulp. I’m guilty of that sometimes.
James 1:17 says “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
My two children are each a miracle and a great gift from the Father. Yes my little gifts need diaper changes, discipline, and sometimes drive me crazy but they are gifts none the less.
Spending time with my kids will be time well spent.
The laundry can wait. I can put the computer away. I’m going to enjoy spending time with my kids while I can.
This post linked to Whimsy Wednesday, Cheerios and Lattes, and Serenity Now.
So good & true! Just last night I was sitting at my desk commenting and link partying and my sweet husband brought me dinner! I walked downstairs to get some water and found my husband and two daughters at the dinner table. Without me. God spoke to me right then and there. He has been blessing my move to becoming a full time blogger (I quit my PT job as a children’s ministry director!) and I don’t want to forget the other blessings he has given me. I promised myself right then that I would be careful and cherish my family first.
Wow! I love how God gently but firmly reminds us of what’s really important! Thank you so much for stopping by!
So well said….and so so true. I am always trying to juggle too many things at once and need to slow down. Thank you for reminding me what’s really important.
I’ve still struggled with this issue since writing this post, so I need the reminder too! I hope this was encouraging to you & thanks for your kind words!
Thank you so much for your authenticity Carrie. You are an awesome mom I’m sure. Priorities and making a schedule (with God’s input) are the very things I am working on in my own life right now. God bless you and your sweet family.
Getting God’s input has been the biggest help in this area. It’s a shame I can go through a good portion of my day and not even ask for His help. But I’m learning to make this my first response. Thanks for stopping by, Patti!
Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home
Hi Carrie,
Thank you for your honesty. I always appreciate reading when bloggers are honest with readers. It IS difficult to be a mom, wife, AND blogger.
I am a mom of a 19-year-old, 5, 4, and 2 year old. I blog too, which I enjoy . . . but I’ve noticed that I feel MOST happy when I’m spending time WITH them . . . making memories.
I think you might appreciate this . . . http://simplysuzannes.blogspot.com/2013/05/a-tea-party-with-my-little-girls.html
Thanks so much for sharing, Carrie. Your post is a gentle reminder for all of us to spend more time with what’s most important . . . our families . . . our children.
Sending warmest and happy wishes to you and yours,
Thank you so much for your kind words, Suzanne! I’m glad you found this helpful!
I did an embroidery when my sons were small that says:
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
for babies grow up we’ve learned to our sorrow
So quiet cobwebs, dust go to sleep
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep
My “babies” are now 39, 35 and 31 so it has hung there a long time. It was true then and it is true now. Enjoy those babies because all too soon they are grown up.
That poem is so sweet! My babies are 4.5 and 1.5 and I know that time is going to fly by. They will always be my babies and I know I’m going to miss these days. Thank you so much for sharing the poem!