I’m a huge fan of family vacations. I really believe that taking at least one family vacation a year is a necessity. Even if money is tight taking a small trip to do fun things with the kids is worth it.
While family vacations are great, a trip without the kids is equally important. After some good encouragement/pushing from some good friends, the hubby and I finally took a trip by ourselves for the first time in many years.
With no kids!
This is how we felt about it:
Our “jobs” as parents is pretty consuming. From the moment I get up until the end of the day I’m constantly responsible for my two little ones. Feeding, playing, bathing, discipline, encouraging. You know the drill.
To think that I would be away from those responsibilities for three days was both exciting and a little scary.
For parents like me it’s hard to just get away. It’s not that easy.
But all the planning was worth it! The hubby and I left the kids with their grandparents & had a great time on our trip {I’ll share pictures later on}
So if there’s other parents out there who (like us) who need some encouragement to get away on your own, this post is for you!
Top 8 Reasons to Take A Trip Without The Kids
Your Marriage Is Being Watched
While the kids grow up, most of what they learn about marriage will come from watching YOURS.
{GULP} That’s a pretty humbling thought, isn’t it?
I want my kids to know how a healthy marriage is supposed to work. If we don’t get away to spend time with each other and invest in our marriage we will be cheating our kids. Displaying a healthy marriage is part of parenting. Putting your spouse before the children is healthy and getting away on a trip together is a great way to display this fact.
Enjoy Some Freedom!
Having freedom with a lot less responsibility was one of the things we enjoyed most about our trip. We had no schedule. No naps to rush home for. No diaper changes. We got to sleep in & went about our day doing whatever we wanted. Freedom is a wonderful thing & it was so refreshing for the both of us!
Your Kids Need Time Away From You
I know that headline may have stung a little bit. But it’s true. Your children need to know that they can be away from Mom and Dad and know they’ll be okay. I also needed a reminder that my children will survive without me.
Gives You A Chance To Miss Your Kids
This really applies to me as a stay-at-home-mom. I’m always around my kids so I don’t often get the satisfaction of reunion with them. I have to admit I sometimes get jealous of my hubby and working moms because they get to have fun reunions with kids in a way that I never do. They get to go off, be productive and then come home to a swarm of kids and hugs and kisses.
After returning from our trip I absolutely savored the reunion with my kids. It was wonderful!
Your Nest Will Be Empty Someday
Before the kids came along, it was just the hubby and me. When the kids grow up and move out, it will again be just the hubby and me. We want to build into our relationship now so that when our nest becomes empty it will be an exciting time. We want our friendship to be strong. Couples that focus too much on the children tend to drift apart. By the time the kids leave, the couple doesn’t know how to interact with each other. I don’t want that to be us.
Remember The Cosby Show? Cliff is always excitedly looking forward to the time when all the kids move out. He clearly loves his wife and was looking forward to that time. I want to be like Cliff.
Enjoy Interests & Hobbies Together
One thing that brought the hubby and me together when we dated was a general interest in cars. We both can look at an Aston Martin and appreciate the beauty of its design. We both marvel at the cinematography of the show Top Gear. Getting away gives us time to enjoy these interests together.
My hubby is an avid cyclist. We spent some time at a bike shop which is one of his favorite places to go. Is it my fav place to go? Nope. But I love him so I invest a little of my time so that we can enjoy his hobbies together.
It’s also a two-way street. The next day I spent some time shopping for deals. My hubby happily picked up a book and read while I shopped. We both had the chance to invest in the other’s hobbies. When we both are preferring the other, our marriage is fun & not work.
It’s Good For You
Just like eating your vegetables is good for your body, getting time away as a couple is good for you. People who take vacations and relax will come back more productive. In my case since our getaway I’ve been on a blogging frenzy. A fresh break has given me tons of ideas for new posts. Letting my mind refresh has ended up giving me a ton of inspiration.
Uninterrupted Conversation
Need I say more? With two little ones it’s seemingly impossible to finish a full sentence. Or a full thought. It was so wonderful to have long conversations again. While I’m talking about conversations, make sure you don’t end up talking about the kids the whole time. We both had to work on this a little at the beginning of our trip, but by the second day we were talking like we did when we were dating!
We took a three day trip to St. Louis. Here’s some of the pictures we took!
Did I convince you yet? Where would be your perfect destination for a kid-free trip? Leave a comment below and tell me where you’d like to go!
This post linked to Give Me The Goods Monday and Ladies Only Blog Share
The Rooster and I had a great trip 2 years ago and you are spot on. There’s just something so awesome about having no schedule or pull for attention.. just the two of you getting to connect. Thanks for sharing with us at LOBS!
Freedom from a schedule was so awesome for us. I hope you guys get to take a trip alone soon! Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for linking this up to Ladies Only Blog Share – it’s perfect! I came back from a trip yesterday (note, I didn’t say vacation) and it was WITH kids and WITHOUT husband. I think I’d rather like it the other way around. I believe every marriage needs it at some point, if not often.
I think you need a vacation after that trip! I agree every marriage needs getaways more often than we realize. Thanks for stopping by!
We need a vacation without the kids! When I was working in sales, we used to go on incentive trips and that was a ton of fun. Kids stayed with the grandparents and we had a trip with adult company. Now I work for myself…no more getaways. 🙁 We need to work on that! Thanks for linking up with us at LOBS!
I have to remind myself too that even one night away will make a difference! Thanks for stopping by, Michelle!
So sweet! Looks like you guys had a great time! We love little get-aways and we don’t even have kiddos yet! STL is our city of choice, so fun!
xoxo, Jordan.
It’s good you have the get away thing down now! We should have traveled more before we had kids–we had a lot more flexibility back then 🙂
Great post and wonderful advice:) My hubby and I have known each other for over 40 years…we have been married almost 17 years. We have learned to always take time to be together and re-connect to that couple we were before we had kids, not always easy to do, but always well worth it:) Have a great time together! Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines
I also like getting back to the couple we were before we had kids! Thanks for the sweet words, Lynn!
Totally agree! We went on our first trip without the kids last year, when I was pregnant with our third baby. It was wonderful! We didn’t realize how much we needed it until we were on our minivacation. Thanks for adding this link to our pin-it party today!
You’re welcome! I’m sure I’ll need a reminder to take another getaway in about 6 months!
Great post, Carrie! Everything you said is 100% truth. Hopefully soon I can take this advise and go on a trip with my husband.
I’m so glad this encouraged you! It will be so fun when you guys get away, even if just for one night!
You crack me up…I love your pictures! I totally agree with you on all points! You must not live too far from us…St. Louis is only about a three hour drive. Let me know if you ever venture to the Kansas City area!
I always wonder if I’m the only one laughing at my “jokes”. I’m so glad to see someone else thinks it’s funny! Yes we live just two hours away from St. Louis. Will do if I end up near the Kansas City area! It would be much more fun to chat about blogging in person 🙂 Have a great weekend!