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Free Printable Scripture Bookmarks

Encouraging Scripture Bookmarks


Have you ever been asked to do something you’re not ready to handle?

About a year ago, I felt God was asking me to step up and help take care of some women in our local church.  I knew this was something he wanted me to do but I was scared to do it.

I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to do it.  Many of these women were facing issues I’ve never dealt with before.

I looked at my own abilities and felt I wasn’t equipped for the task.  I’m disorganized.  I’m not the best at remembering details.  How can I take care of these women and help them through struggles and issues I’ve never faced myself?  What if I make a big mistake and mess them up?

The truth is I can’t do it on my own.  I need my Father’s help.

It is the Lord that goes before you.  He will be with you; he will not fail or forsake you.  Do not fear or be dismayed.” – Deuteronomy 31:8

One day I was praying and talking with God about not feeling like the right person for the job.  I said “Are you sure God?  How am I going to do this?  What in the world am I going to tell these women when they seek guidance?  I have no idea what to tell them!”

I think I was trying to convince God I wasn’t the right person for this assignment.

In that moment, I felt God tell me something profound.

Just love on them.  Listen to them.  Pray for them.  Find small ways to care for them.

Suddenly I felt the stress and pressure lift off.  All God wants me to do is rely on him while doing small things to help them feel loved.  The truth is I can’t take their problems away but I can do something to show them that they are loved.

I felt freedom in realizing God was the one doing the hard work.

One of the small ways I was able help one of the women was to give her some bookmarks with encouraging scripture.

After some time passed by, God slowly started showing me why he chose me for this special task.  Not having experience in what my friends are going through made me lean on him for guidance.  I didn’t know what to say to my friend with cancer but that made me rely more on God for direction.  God was faithful to show me what to do in each situation.

He not only used me for my shortcomings, but he also chose me because of strengths he’s given me.  God made me a good listener.  He gave me a compassionate heart.  He helps me empathize with people.  Time and time again God has brought people to me that are going through struggles I’ve faced before.  He’s given me help and hope through those situations and I can share that with those people!

Free Printable Scripture Bookmarks

Today I have a challenge for you.  Do something small to encourage someone else today.  Maybe send a text or email to that friend you’ve been thinking about.  Write a letter to your Grandmother.  Make a meal for a neighbor having a hard week. Or give someone an encouraging scripture bookmark.

Download the Encouraging Scripture Bookmarks here.

Want to hear more encouraging stories of faith?  God has done a lot in my life–like the time I realized God is real, when God stepped in and gave us a down payment for a house and how God helps me afford to be a stay at home mom.  He’s amazing and I’d love to share those stories with you!

How can you encourage someone today?

This post shared at: Think and Make Thursday, Your Turn To ShineThe SITS Girls Craft & Recipe Linkup.

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