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The Easiest Way To Clean A Microwave

It works & it's so easy! This tip will save you so much time and effort. Easiest way to clean a microwave from

I have a feeling you’ll love this tip just as much as I do, so I’ve included some affiliate links for your convenience.  My full disclosure is here.

I HATE cleaning out the microwave, don’t you?  For most people, cleaning the microwave ends up on the bottom of the cleaning list.   When life gets hectic, you clean what most people can see, while forgetting about the unseen things like the microwave.  You’ll forget to clean it and the longer that mess stays in there, the harder it is to clean.  You’re just too busy to worry about scrubbing the baked on mess in your microwave.  But don’t worry–I’ve found the easiest way to clean a microwave and it will only take a couple of minutes of your effort.  I promise!

The secret is this little thing here.  I love it because not only does it work, it’s hilarious!  Here’s how it works: fill it up with water and vinegar and “cook” it in your microwave.  As it cooks, the special design lets steam out of the Angry Mama’s head, sanitizing the entire microwave and softening cooked-on messes.  After the Angry Mama does it’s work, all you have to do is gently wipe off the surfaces of your microwave and it’s done!  It literally takes about two minutes of effort.  Now THAT’S my kind of cleaning!

Here’s the results I got from my own microwave:

The Easiest Way To Clean A Microwave

(Note: the directions that came with the Angry Mama are a little confusing.  They stated to fill it with 1-2 TBSP of water and 1-2 TBSP of vinegar. When I followed those directions, the liquid level didn’t come close to the first line. So I filled it up to the vinegar line with vinegar, then filled it up to the second line with water and it worked just fine.)

Overall I really loved how this worked!  It was super easy and it did a great job breaking down the cooked on messes on the top and sides of my microwave.  It transformed a task I usually avoided into one that I don’t mind doing.  That’s saying a lot coming from this lazy-cleaning girl!

The only negative was that it didn’t seem to have as great of a cleaning effect on the glass turntable.  I easily took care of that problem by removing the turntable from the microwave and wiping it down with the sponge and some of the remaining solution out of the Angry Mama (be careful doing this as the liquid could still be very hot!)

If you make your cleaning tasks easier and more efficient, you’ll get them done in less time with less effort.  The Angry Mama microwave cleaner is a wonderful example of my point.  The task of cleaning the microwave has now been made a LOT easier.  

If only every cleaning task could be this easy!  

Shared at: Project Inspire{d}

Have you tried the Angry Mama?  What do you think about it?

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