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How To Combat Procrastination

We all have chores and duties we hate doing.  In my case, I constantly procrastinate cleaning out the litter box.  I absolutely loathe it.  It’s the worst household chore EVER.  

I’ll walk past the box, see that it needs to be cleaned and then debate with myself whether or not to do it right then.

My usual response is “Meh.  I’ll do it later.”

That statement, although somewhat harmless, has gotten me into so much trouble.  I decide to put off a task until tomorrow.  The problem is, once tomorrow comes I have to face that unfinished task again.  And sometimes that unfinished task comes with consequences.

When it comes to my cats, my consequence for not cleaning out the litter box daily is a “present” they leave for me on the floor.  Thanks to my procrastination, I now have a dirty litter box AND cat poop on the floor.


Lately I’ve been trying a new technique.  I’m trying to do things NOW instead of pushing them off.

It’s similar to the OHIO method {Only Handle It Once}  I’ll just casually call it the “Do-it-now-and-you’ll-thank-yourself-later” method.

If the dishes need to be put away and I put it off until tomorrow, I’ll have to deal with it again.  If I do it now, I’ve only “handled it” once.  In effect, I’m saving myself time and worry by not procrastinating!

When I pass by the cat litter box and notice it needs to be cleaned out, I’m trying to force myself to clean it out right then.  Then the next time I pass by, I smile knowing that the dirty task is already done!

Does this mean I never procrastinate on anything?  No–but I’m procrastinating on a lot less than what I used to!  More things are getting done, my cats are happier and my floors are cleaner.

It’s a win-win for everyone!

So in order to help you start a good habit, I’m giving away some free printables to inspire you to action!

8×10 Do It Now Printable

8×10 Meh. I’ll Do It Later Printable

 I’d like to know–what’s one thing you always put off?

Shared at: Saturday Sharefest, The Makers, Whimsy Wednesday, Creative Spark, Work It Wednesday, Think and Make ThursdayThrifty Thursday, and Your Turn To Shine.

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