I’ve been a bit of an emotional mess the past two weeks.
My daughter is starting Kindergarten. She will be gone ALL DAY 5 days a week!
Part of me is beyond excited. I’ll finally get some time to myself!
But the other part of me is a mix of sadness and guilt. She’s not a baby anymore and what if I didn’t spend enough time with her?
I was feeling a lot of “mom guilt”.
I’ve had a lot of struggles with my daughter lately. I haven’t had much sleep which brings my patience to an all-time low. My daughter is very energetic and she’s beyond ready for school to start.
Put those two together and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.
I never wanted to be one of those moms that yells at her kids. And here I am doing the very thing I don’t want to do.
I ended up asking some of my friends to pray for me. I needed help. I needed God to give me the patience I didn’t have.
Amidst all these emotions, I wanted my daughter’s last day of summer to be really special. The best I could think of was to take the kids to a park and then the local bakery for a cookie afterwards.
Not too bad, right?
As our “special” morning went on I found myself struggling just as I had the past couple days. My daughter was being very emotional, throwing fits at the smallest things, not obeying, etc. I started to get down again seeing that our special day wasn’t going very well at all.
I took the kids to the park and bakery as planned and things were going better.
But it still didn’t feel special.
Then God was like “I’ll show you how to make her day special!”
We had just finished our snack at the bakery and we all got in the car, intending to drive home.
Out of nowhere I see a red helicopter flying in the air right above us. While I waited at the stop sign, I pointed it out to the kids and they stared in awe.
Then the helicopter landed in a little grass field nearby. I decided to drive up to where the helicopter landed to give the kids a closer look. I pulled up to the helicopter and we stayed in the car to look at it.
The kids were so excited to see a real helicopter close up!
Then I decided it was time to go. As I drove away, the pilot got out of the helicopter. I rolled down the window and told him “you just made my kids day!”
Then he said “would the kids like to sit in it?”
I agreed and the kids screamed in excitement! My kids not only got to see a real helicopter but they both got to sit inside of it!
So this day that started out not so special ended up being awesome. The whole drive home I couldn’t stop smiling! God really came through to make our day special!
That helicopter was sent by God. Yes some people were using it as transportation, but He used it to lift off the heaviness so I could see three things.
- Those guilty feelings were not from Him (and should be ignored)
- He loves me and my kids enough to do something big to make us happy
- I really am a good mother
What have you been struggling with lately?
This post linked to: Whimsy Wednesday, Create It Thursday, Inspiration Monday, and Hit Me With Your Best Shot.