First off let me make a confession. I’m a reader wanna-be. I see books that look really good and for a moment I get really excited about the possible impact they could have on my life. Then reality hits.
I’m not a reader. Never have been.
I look at books and wish I had the time and desire to read. But I don’t. Honestly I’d rather have the cliff notes version of books rather than the original.
I recently got a Kindle Fire as a gift. I was a little nervous getting something I wasn’t sure I’d really use. Maybe this new “toy” will help inspire me to read more.
So far it’s working. We’ll see how long it lasts!
Part of why I’m blogging about this is for accountability. I want to set a goal of reading all these books sometime this year. So, sometime in the future, come back and ask me if I’ve done it. Seriously. I mean it!
Here’s the list of some somewhat short books that I want to read in 2013.
Crazy Love by Frances Chan. I read this last year and it was really good. Reading this will challenge your faith in a good way. I think this is one of those books that will be good to read every couple of years to really make me realize how fiercely God loves us.
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God’s Lavish Grace by Terry Virgo. Last summer, Terry came and spoke at a conference at our church and what he taught rocked so many people. His teaching at the conference came right from this book. He taught on God’s grace and how a lot of us have the wrong view of it. This is a fairly short book with a BIG impact. This would also be one of those books that would be good to read over and over again.
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Tell Your Time by Amy Lynn Andrews. I’m a big Amy fan. This entire blog was set up using Amy’s step by step blog creation process. This is an e-book that is very short and gets to the point. Amy gives little tips on how to figure out what is most important in your life and how to manage your time so the most important “things” in your life get the appropriate amount of attention.
Shepherding A Child’s Heart By Tedd Tripp. I’ve heard a lot of good things about this book from close friends that I admire. It’s about how to speak to the heart of your child. I started reading this last year and stopped. So with renewed ambition, I’m hoping to read and incorporate what I read here into my parenting.
Jesus Calling By Sarah Young. This is a little daily devotional written as if Jesus is speaking little bits of encouragement to you each day. I know…it sounds a little corny but after reading it for a week I LOVE it! The devotionals are very short (so I have time to read them before the kiddos wake up) and I can keep going back to it and try to “chew” on the verses she shares. I highly recommend this book.
What books are you looking forward to reading this year? I’d love to hear!