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How To Make A Loud Toy Quiet

how to make a loud toy quiet

how to make a loud toy quiet

Now that Christmas time is almost here, I thought I would share one of the greatest discoveries my hubby and I have made in our parenting journey:

How to make a LOUD toy quiet.

I know….it’s not exactly earth-shattering but I have to say this little discovery has made a real difference in keeping our sanity.

Both of my children LOVE toys with sounds and lights.  I love them too because they’re more likely to keep my children’s attention.    But let’s face it–some of them are just too loud.

Here’s a good compromise between keeping your child’s happiness and keeping your own sanity.

  1. Find the toy speaker.  It will look something like this:
  2. Take some clear packing tape and cover the entire speaker

Viola! The noise coming out of the toy should be significantly quieter. If you want it really quiet, put another layer of tape down. Or if it’s too quiet, poke a hole in the tape right above one of the speaker holes and a little more sound will come out.  This little “technique” will enable you to fully adjust the amount of sound coming out.

I hope this helps you and your family enjoy a wonderful Christmas filled with joy and peace.

Now it’s your turn.  What are some little tips that help you enjoy Christmas?

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