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Use A Camera For Your Health

Today I want to share a little tip I’ve used over the years.  Whenever one of my kids has a strange rash, insect bite, or a tick the first thing I do is grab my camera.

I know what you’re thinking.  Did she just say she grabs her camera?

Yep.  I did.

Before I treat the area in question I grab the camera and get a good clear shot of the rash or bug just in case I would need to show this “evidence” to a doctor.  You never know if it might come in handy.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not a hypochondriac.  I don’t take pictures of EVERY rash or bug I find.  I do this only when the problem seems out of the ordinary.

I worked in the health care industry on the billing side for seven years.  Through that I learned the more details you have to describe your problem/illness/symptom the better the physician will know how to take care of you.  Animal bites are treated differently depending on the species.   Providing a picture of the rash, bite, or tick will provide a great deal of useful information to ensure you get the proper treatment.

I usually use the camera in auto mode most of the time but in situations like this it might be beneficial to use a micro mode (if your camera has one)

A camera can also be used to take pictures of moles and strange spots.   Why would you want to do that?  So you can document over time whether these spots change in size, color or shape.  This type of information could be very valuable to a dermatologist!

So–next time you see a weird rash or strange spot–grab your camera!


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